Bus retrofit with technology SCRT®: An active measure for avoiding driving bans.
Menden, April 2018 – according to the judgement of the Federal Administrative Court, cities may independently impose driving bans for the improvement of air quality. However, this is only a last-ditch measure for most municipalities and should be largely avoided using other measures: The retrofit of public transport buses with original HJS SCRT® technology is an effective possibility, which is furthermore supported by the Federal Government.
- Driving bans are a legally admissible means
- Alternative measures should avoid driving bans
- Retrofitting solutions for urban bus fleets are available in the short term
- HJS systems remove harmful nitrogen oxides from diesel exhaust gases
- Promotion up to 60% by the Federal Government
The retrofit of buses makes sense for the municipalities in this case, both ecologically and economically. With a retrofitted SCRT® system from HJS, harmful nitrogen oxides (NOX) can be removed almost completely from the diesel exhaust gases. For the price of a modern diesel bus of emission standard Euro VI, up to 15 buses of the emission standard Euro V/ EEV can be brought to a comparably good emission level in this way.
Busnachrüstung als wichti. Maßnahme durch den Bund gefördert
The Federal Government does not leave municipalities alone with the task and have made available a three-figure million amount as a promotion, within the framework of the “Immediate program for clean air 2017-2020”. Municipalities and passenger transport companies can make an immediate and effective contribution to avoiding driving bans. Meanwhile, the technical requirements of the corresponding promotion directive, issued on 28.03.2018, are demanding when viewed against the background of the objective “Sustainable air improvement”:
Exhaust gas values at Euro VI level and check measurements by the Power Vehicle Federal Office require best-possible effectiveness in all operating states, over a duration of minimum 4 years and 200,000 km. Therefore the employment of SCRT® technology, which is best possibly adapted to the vehicle, is necessary.
- System SCRT® for Citaro buses
- System SCRT® for MAN buses
Original SCRT® from HJS: Competence and experience for city transport
HJS is a long-term partner of the most important bus manufacturers. The SCRT® system developed by HJS, which is aligned to the retrofitting criteria of the BMVI, is based on know-how gained from co-operation with vehicle manufacturers. As a result, it is possible to optimise the technical and economic general conditions and to guarantee the sustainable function of the systems.
Thus HJS ensures, for example through active thermo-management over two networked actuators, that the systems offer best-possible reduction even at low load, in stop & go driving and at standstill, under all ambient conditions – without having any influence on the engine in this case.
Confirmed by neutral expert appraisals
In real-life operation on bus lines, HJS technology proves to be highly efficient and reliable. With this technology, older vehicles can also be brought to the exhaust gas level Euro VI – Buses. The ADAC confirmed in a recently published expert appraisal instructed by the Transport Department Baden-Wuerttemberg: “Within the framework of the project, the effect of an SCRT® retrofit on a city bus was also examined. The result is impressive: The NOx emissions of EURO-V city buses can be lowered by more than 95% through SCR retrofit.”
Established partner with integrated service
HJS offers comprehensive service beyond the delivery of the systems – completely in the sense of sustainable clean mobility. This includes flexible installation concepts and training offers, as well as a comprehensive service network extending to customer service on site. In addition, by means of the HJS-based fleet monitoring, the proper functionality of the system can be represented and checked at any time.
Employment for initial equipment and retrofit
The SCRT® technology patented by HJS is today used by all vehicle manufacturers world-wide for compliance with the strictest diesel emission standards. Up to the present time HJS has retrofitted over 30,000 buses in Europe, of which 5,000 buses with SCR or SCRT® technology.
Annette Ritz
Telephone: +49 2373 987-218 E-Mail: annette.ritz@hjs.com Internet: www.hjs.com |
About HJS:
As a family managed, middle-sized company with headquarters in Menden/Sauerland, we at HJS Emission Technology GmbH & Co. KG, which was founded in 1976, have long experience and high competence in the area of exhaust gas treatment. With more than 450 employees, we develop, produce and market systems for the reduction of emissions of pollutants and corresponding components. The innovative environmental protection technologies are used both in original equipment and in the retrofit of cars, heavy to light commercial vehicles, as well as mobile and fixed-in-place applications in the non-road area. As well as systems for ignition engines, HJS mainly offers solutions for diesel engines – in particular for the reduction of soot particles and nitrogen oxides. With extensive patent rights to DPF® (Diesel Particle Filter) and SCRT® (Selective Catalytic Reduction Technology), HJS sets standards in Germany and world-wide.